Sunday, October 17, 2010

At church with Kent

The next morning, Viviane had to work, but Elise and I went with Kent to church. Kent told us, "The service usually lasts an hour, but if you want to leave earlier, it's O.K.. I usually sit in the back myself and often leave before the service is over."  The service began with a few lively hymns presented by a quartet of teenagers and a small band. This was followed, however, not by a usual church service but by a simulcast from New York City of a sermon being delivered by one of Reverend Moon's daughters (who is the minister of the New York church), which we watched on a big screen. The sermon was devoted to a presentation of the qualities necessary to make a marriage successful and was not so different from what might have been presented by a good marriage counselor. Kent explained that the simulcast was a relatively new procedure and that they would eventually return to services led by local ministers.

On the way back to his house, Kent took us on a drive and brief walk through downtown Mobile, which was pretty quiet on a Sunday morning..

After lunch we were on our way again, off to Montgomery Alabama.  We spent the night in a motel just outside Montgomery.

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