Thursday, October 21, 2010

Charlottesville, VA.

I was up around 7:00, as I usually am, in time to have a quick breakfast and some conversation with Lyn. Lyn finished her breakfast and was off to her job at the child care center. As she was finishing, Elise and Steve joined me and I had a second helping of breakfast. Shortly afterwards, we were on the road again. This time, northward bound towards home!

Not that we didn't still stop along the way when we came to someplace of interest. Our first stop was at Lynchberg, VA., where we stopped in the downtown area just long enough to browse the farmers market and buy some lunch which we consumed at picnic tables just outside the market.

We both had some vague forty year old memories of Charlottesville from our previous crosscountry trip as a very pleasant small town with either a large plaza (my memory) or a pedestrian street (Elise's more accurate memory). In any case, we decided to stop there and spend some time. We found the walking street which was several blocks long and wide enough to have stalls in the middle selling cloth and scarves and hats and similar items. The stores on both sides were primarily small eateries with outdoor tables, small book stores with both new and used books, and stores selling various works of art. All in all it was a very pleasant area to walk on a lovely fall day. I even ended up buying a hat from a nice Chinese lady at one of the stalls, who claimed she was parting with a $15.00 hat for just $10.00.

At the end of the day, we looked for a motel near Madison, but couldn't find anything under $60.00 - more than we were accustomed to paying. We decided to move on to Fredericksburg which was still more or less on our way home and did find a nice motel room for our last night on the road in our $40.00 price range.

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