Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Charlotte and Chapel Hill, NC

We're on our way to visit our friends Steve and Lyn in Chapel Hill, North Carolina - the last real stop on our journey. Along the way we stopped in Charlotte, North Carolina (not to be confused with Charleston, South Carolina or Charlottesville, VA. ) Charlotte is probably as representative of the new South as any city south of the Mason-Dixon Line. At least that is the impression that we got both from our brief visit into the city and from spending some time in their museum presenting a history of the Charlotte area from 1865 to the present. The city itself is very modern with several attractive skyscrapers. The museum shows the old South with its history of slavery and Jim Crow, but its emphasis is on the new South boasting the city's multiethnic population and its role as the second-largest financial center in the United States.

From Charlotte we continued on our way to Chapel Hill and arrived there around 6:00, in time for a very good supper and a very pleasant evening catching up with Lyn and Steve. They are friends of long standing whom we met at the Grand Canyon during our first crosscountry trip back in 1968. It has been several years now since we've seen them, but it's always pleasant to spend time with them, and this visit was no exception.

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