Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Visiting in Houston, Texas

Today we are off to Houston to visit Vivian, loosely related to us as the sister of a deceased sister-in-law, but someone whom we have known for a long time and liked. The road to Houston was straight as the proverbial arrow with only slightly rolling hills to break the monotony. It was four lane divided highway but not limited access, so the speed limit was only 70 mph instead of 80 mph like on the limited access highways. You really have to be driving fast to violate the speed laws in Texas!
                                                      heron in Houston city park

Vivian lives in a beautiful house in a a very rich neighborhood and she took us on a tour. One of the houses had its own small zoo including a monkey house with plenty of room for the monkeys to do whatever it is that monkeys do. We also went to a very large park with a lake. At lakeside we saw a family of nutria. (I had seen nutria before and knew they weren't otters or beavers but I couldn't remember the name; I asked a young woman nearby and she said that in Spanish they were called nutria - just as they are in English.) There was also a beautiful white heron standing not far away away at the edge of the lake. The park was also highly utilized. There were lots of joggers on the jogging path and several soccer games going on on the various soccer fields. Whatever happened to baseball?
We then spent a very pleasant evening together just talking family business and history.

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